ree of Education and Culture No. 0220/0/1973, since January 1, 1973 was changed into the Animal Husbandry Faculty (FAPET) which is based on the Rector’s Decree No. 51 / SK / 1977 has two departments, namely: Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. Since July 5, 1977, Animal Husbandry Faculty was changed into Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Faculty.
Subsequent developments based on Government Regulation No. 27, 1982 and the President of Indonesia’s Decree No. 59 of 1982 on the organization structure of Universitas Brawijaya, the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Faculty become into two faculties, namely:
– Animal Husbandry Faculty
– Fisheries Faculty
Based on Minister of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree No. 0174/0/1983 on the Department’s Arrangement on Faculty of University’s area / State Institute and Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree No. 118 / Higher Education / 1984 on types and numbers of study programs in every department on Universitas Brawijaya Faculty’s area, thus Fisheries Faculty settled to have one department, which is Aquatic Resource Management Department to supervise three study program are:
– Aquatic Resource Management Study Program (MSP)
– Fishery Products Processing Study Program (PHP)
– Fisheries Socio-Economics Study Program (SEP)
While two others study program are Aquaculture (BP) and the Fisheries Resource Utilization Study Program (PSP) (MPI??) held while waiting the approval. In 1995 the Fisheries Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya established the Diploma Program (D-III) Fisheries socio-economic. Then in 1996 re-established the Diploma (D-III) Nautical, but since 1999 does not accept students. Along with the increasing needs of associate experts in the field of fisheries and marine, then in 2009 the Associate Expert Education Program (D-III) reopened. In the academic year 2009/2010 Associate Expert Education Program (D-III) began to accept new students who are incorporated in Vocational Program of Universitas Brawijaya.
Since July 7, 1996 Fisheries Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya has one department and five majors through the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree No. 251 / DIKTUKEP / 1996, are as follows:
Department: Aquatic Resource Management (MSP)
Study Program:
- Aquatic Resources Management (MSP)
- Fishery Product Technology (THP)
- Socio-economic Fisheries (SEP)
- Aquaculture (BP)
- Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP)
In 2001, with the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Indonesian Education and Culture’s Decree 2534 / D / T / 2001 dated August 2, 2001, the Fisheries Faculty got a license to held educational programs Master Degree (S-2) with the name of Aquaculture Program Study.
In further developments, based on the letter from Directorate Master of Universitas Brawijaya No. 692 / SK / 2006 on Guidelines for the Master Program’s Implementation in Universitas Brawijaya and Universitas Brawijaya Rector’s Decree No. 692 / SK / 2006 on Master Program Implementation in Universitas Brawijaya transferred into the Faculty, started from the academic year 2006/2007 Master of Aquaculture Program implementation is handled by the Fisheries Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya.
Program Studi
Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan
menyediakan seperangkat kurikulum untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu
mengelola sumberdaya perairan dan perikanan yang berwawasan lingkungan.
Untuk menyelesaikan studinya, mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk menempuh SKS
minimal 144 SKS yang terdiri dari matakuliah wajib sebanyak 127 SKS dan
matakuliah pilihan sebanyak 17 SKS. Waktu studi dapat ditempuh. 8 – 14
Penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan adalah kuliah, mengerjakan tugas, praktikum, melakukan atau melaksanakan penelitian tugas akhir yaitu PKL dan Skripsi, yang diakhiri dengan seminar dan ujian. Disamping itu juga untuk dapat menyandang kesarjanaannya, mahasiswa juga harus lulus ujian komputer dan memiliki TOEFL bahasa Inggris minimal 450.
Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan memiliki tiga macam pusat kajian yang merupakan ruang lingkup ilmu yang dipelajari yaitu
- Ilmu Lingkungan Perairan,
- Managemen Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan,
- Bioteknologi Sumberdaya Perairan.
Visi :
Menjadikan Program Studi MSP mempunyai daya saing kompetitif dalam pengelolaan sumber daya perairan dan perikanan yang berbasis teknologi ekologi perairan yang unggul dan melewati batas nasional.
Misi :
Menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang berorientasi kepada peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia yang memiliki pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan sikap terhadap sumber daya perairan dan perikanan berwawasan holistic dan berjiwa entrepeneur.